April 11—Morning Devotion
"And Jesus said unto him, verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in Paradise."—Luke 23:43 My soul, hear the gracious words of thy Jesus. This was the third cry of the Redeemer on the cross. And Oh! how full of grace, rich, free, unmerited, unexpected, unlooked-for grace, to a poor lost perishing sinner, even in the…
189 Semi-Pelagians
SEMI-PELAGIANS A name anciently, and even at this day, given to such as retain some tincture of Pelagianism. Cassian, who had been a deacon of Constantinople, who was afterwards a priest at Marceilles, was the chief of these Semi-Pelagians, whose leading principles were, 1. That God did not dispense his grace to one more than another, in consequence of predestination,…
1 Corinthians: Chapter 1, Verse 18
“For the preaching of the cross, etc.]” Not of the Christian’s cross, which he is to take up and bear for the sake of Christ; though this is a doctrine taught by Christ, and his apostles, and found to be true by the saints in all ages; and is what is had in great aversion and contempt, being very disagreeable…
11 The Christian Ministry
Few questions can be so vitally important to any Church, whether as relates to its own peace and prosperity, or to the success of the work it is appointed to do, as that of the kind of ministry which shall serve and lead it. No greater blessing can be granted of Heaven to a Church than a capable, judicious, pious…
April 10—Morning Devotion
"When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, woman, behold thy son. Then saith he to the disciple, behold thy mother."—John 19:26, 27 This was the second among the dying words of the Lord Jesus; and no doubt, of high importance in their full sense and meaning: not simply…
188 Pelagians
PELAGIANS A sect who appeared about the end of the fourth century. They maintained the following doctrines: 1. That Adam was by nature mortal, and, whether he had sinned or not, would certainly have died.--2. That the consequences of Adam's sin were confined to his own person.--3. That new-born infants are in the same situation with Adam before the fall.--4.…