192 Remonstrants
REMONSTRANTS A title given to the Arminians, by reason of the remonstrance which, in 1610, they made to the states of Holland against the sentence of the Synod of Dort, which condemned them as heretics. Episcopius and Grotius were at the head of the Remonstrants, whose principles were first openly patronised in England by archbishop Laud. In Holland, the Calvinists…
1 Corinthians: Chapter 1, Verse 21
“For after that in the wisdom of God, etc.]” These words contain a reason proving the infatuation of men, with respect to “the wisdom of God”; by which may be meant either Christ, who is the wisdom of God, was in the world, and yet the world of the Jews, and their chief Rabbins among them, with all their wisdom,…
God’s Grace Is Sufficient
April 13—Morning Devotion
"After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst."—John 19:28 After this, that is, I conceive, (though I do not presume to mark the very order in which the Lord Jesus uttered his loud cries upon the cross,) after his complaint of desertion: for whether this was the fourth or…
191 Synergists
SYNERGISTS So called from the Greek which signifies co-operation. Hence this name was given to those in the sixteenth century who denied that God was the sole agent in the conversion of sinful man, and affirmed that man co-operated with divine grace in the accomplishment of this salutary purpose.
1 Corinthians: Chapter 1, Verse 20
“Where is the wise? where is the Scribe? etc.]” These are the apostle’s own words; though he may allude to (Isaiah 33:18) where there are some phrases much like these, but the meaning is very different. Though they are interpreted by the Talmudists in a sense pretty near the apostle’s; for thus they remark upon them, “where is the Scribe?…