• Edward Carr

    The Life And Funeral Of Edward Carr

    The name of the late Rev. Edward Carr, Pastor of Providence Chapel, Bristol Road, Bath, is well known to many of our readers. After a ministry extending over forty years he was called Home at the age of 68, on January 10 last. During our own ministry at Bath we frequently met Mr. Carr and enjoyed occasional happy intercourse with…

  • Edward Carr

    The Life And Death Of Edward Carr

    On Jan. 10, 1920, Edward Carr, pastor of Providence Chapel, Bath, entered into rest. The removal by death of my late beloved husband came most mercifully. He had got out of bed about 12.30, and fallen asleep in his chair about 12.50 his head drooped, his spirit had fled. He was sitting with hands clasped, as was usual when he…

  • Edward Carr

    The Christian’s Life And The Christian’s Death

    How vast is the difference between the man who is a Christian and the man who is not a Christian! For to the Christian to live is Christ, and for him to die is gain. On the contrary, the man who is not a Christian lives to self and the world—whatever may be his profession; and for him to die…

  • Edward Carr

    The Life And Testimony Of Edward Carr

    The spiritually minded and Christ-exalting author of those monthly articles in this Magazine, bearing the title "The Loveliness of Christ," deserves a niche among the worthies whom—for the grace of God that is in them—we delight to honour, in so far as our Portrait page is concerned. "And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Clouds Without Water

    Jude’s criticism of the ‘ungodly men’ who entered the church and laboured to deceive the Lord’s people continues unabated. He first denounced them by linking them to examples of God’s judgment in Egypt, Sodom and upon the fallen angels. Then he likened them to some of the most disreputable characters in the Old Testament scriptures. Now he describes their barren…