• • Redemption and Regeneration,  Augustus Toplady

    Rock Of Ages

    Romans 3:19-26: "Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of…

  • John Piper

    The Life And Ministry Of John Piper

    The testimony of John Piper’s life and ministry is recorded in the Earthen Vessel (1888). On pages 264 and 331, we are given the following account of his life:  “To The Editor.—Dear Sir,—I will (D.V.) forward you particulars of the late Mr. Piper’s call by grace, voyage to this country, &c., which I received from his lips when spending an…

  • George Murrell's Sermons

    Christ Crowned

    “On his head were many crowns.”—Revelation 19:12 I will tell you a secret, said the preacher. I preached a sermon from this text at Deptford, last June, and the reason of my choosing it to-night is, that it had been hanging about me for some time, and at this time I cannot get rid of it; I trust, therefore, it…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    May 24—Morning Devotion

    "Then ceased the work of the house of God."—Ezra 4:24 Ah, how distressed was Zion, when this decree took place; and yet the history of the church plainly proves that the hand of the Lord was in it. My soul, are thine exercises sometimes similar? Doth it seem to thee, as if the work of God in thee was at…

  • John Gill, (3) Commentary On First Corinthians

    1 Corinthians: Chapter 2, Verse 9

    “But as it is written, etc.]” Not in an apocryphal book, called the Apocalypse of Elijah the prophet, as some have thought, but in (Isaiah 64:4) with some variation; and is brought to prove that the Gospel is mysterious and hidden wisdom, unknown to the princes of this world, and ordained before the world was, for the glory of the…