• The Spiritual Wrestler

    He Cares For You

    “He Careth For You.”—1 Peter 5:7 Dear Friend, and Brother in the Lord,—This comes in covenant love to you and your’s, hoping it will find you much better, with your harp taken down from the willows, and a new song put into your mouth, and your feet firm upon the rock, believing you are an inhabitant of Jerusalem. Isaiah says,…

  • The Primitive Baptist Magazine

    The Nature And Increase Of Faith

    Faith is the gift and the operation of God. It comes by the Holy Spirit’s power rising and strengthening the sublimest faculties of the soul, and is really a regeneration—a rebegetting—a revival of life from the dead. Thus the believer is said to be “born of the Spirit,” because it is the Spirit’s office in the covenant of grace to…

  • The Gospel Ambassador

    On Faith

    As faith is no way to be understood so well as by its effect, we cannot do better than trace it in its operations, for as it is a divine principle, emanating from God and taking possession of his beloved family, disposing them to love and serve God with all their hearts and souls, working in them both to will…

  • The Gospel Herald

    Thoughts On Responsibility

    It appears to me that on no subject are the religious professors of the present day more confused, yea, in the dark, than that of man’s responsibility, and often have I wished that some gifted servant of the Lord would take pen in hand and give a few thought on this important subject. The attempt made by the Rev letter-learned…

  • Signs Of The Times

    A Blow At Fullerism

    Does the moral law require faith in the Mediator? Or, does the moral law require the faith of God’s elect? That the above law requires faith, I will not deny. I well know that there is a faith, which is one of the great and weighty matters of the law; but what faith is it? Is it that which stands…

  • The Gospel Magazine

    Notional Calvinism Versus Experimental Calvinism

    Notional Calvinism is a plant of common growth in this our day of widely extended profession, whereas experimental Calvinism is just as scarce as ever it was. The former, like our present popular mode of travelling may be very perfect in machinery, but if the fire be wanting it is worse than useless. A bright morning ushered in the Sabbath…