Chapter 15—On Communion, Answering The Charge Of Discrimation
Mr. Bridgman: "Are the elect, redeemed, and regenerated of the Lord, to be kept from, or thrust back if they approach the Lord's table, because they have not been immersed in cold water—although, as the elect, their names are in the Lamb's book above." My Reply: 1. The Lamb's book above is no rule for our conduct in the church…
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Luke 2:1-14: "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the…
June 1—Morning Devotion
"The Lord said unto my Lord."—Psalm 110:1 Some have called this Psalm, David's creed. Certain it is, that there is scarce an article of a true believer's faith, but what is in it. My soul, look through it this morning, if thou hast time, and see whether it is thy creed. If not, look at this precious portion of it,…
220 Synod
SYNOD A meeting or assembly of ecclesiastical persons to consult on matters of religion. Of these there are four kinds, viz. 1. General, where bishops, &c. meet from all nations. These were first called by the emperors; afterwards by Christian princes; till in later ages, the pope usurped to himself the greatest share in this business, and by his legates…
1 Corinthians: Chapter 3, Introduction
In this chapter the apostle returns to the charge of schisms and contentions upon the Corinthians, which were the occasion of the epistle; and reproves them for their divisions, which were about their ministers; and gives them their just and due character, and who, though they were useful and commendable in their places, were not to be gloried in; and…
Book 2: Chapter 15, Three Things Briefly To Be Regarded In Christ—Viz. His Offices Of Prophet, King and Priest
The principal parts of this chapter are—I. Of the Prophetical Office of Christ, its dignity and use, sec. 1, 2. II. The nature of the Kingly power of Christ, and the advantage we derive from it, sec. 3–5. III. Of the Priesthood of Christ, and the efficacy of it, sec. 6. Sections. 1. Among heretics and false Christians, Christ is…