God’s Care Of His People
Dear Children,—I have thought that it might not be altogether unprofitable to devote a little time to the very remarkable subject of the passage of the children of Israel through the Red Sea. It is a circumstance that manifests God's great and glorious power in the deliverance of his own people Israel; but awful vengeance indeed in the destruction of…
Precious Faith
This we have not by nature. So far are we from being capable of faith in Christ, in a state of unregeneracy, that it is altogether contrary to our nature. God created Adam holy, and placed him in the garden of Eden in a state of sinless perfection; but he by disobedience merited the displeasure of Heaven, and being the…
He Cares For You
“He Careth For You.”—1 Peter 5:7 Dear Friend, and Brother in the Lord,—This comes in covenant love to you and your’s, hoping it will find you much better, with your harp taken down from the willows, and a new song put into your mouth, and your feet firm upon the rock, believing you are an inhabitant of Jerusalem. Isaiah says,…
The Nature And Increase Of Faith
Faith is the gift and the operation of God. It comes by the Holy Spirit’s power rising and strengthening the sublimest faculties of the soul, and is really a regeneration—a rebegetting—a revival of life from the dead. Thus the believer is said to be “born of the Spirit,” because it is the Spirit’s office in the covenant of grace to…
On Faith
As faith is no way to be understood so well as by its effect, we cannot do better than trace it in its operations, for as it is a divine principle, emanating from God and taking possession of his beloved family, disposing them to love and serve God with all their hearts and souls, working in them both to will…
Thoughts On Responsibility
It appears to me that on no subject are the religious professors of the present day more confused, yea, in the dark, than that of man’s responsibility, and often have I wished that some gifted servant of the Lord would take pen in hand and give a few thought on this important subject. The attempt made by the Rev letter-learned…