The Life And Death Of James Upton
James Upton. Baptist. Sacred to the memory of the Rev. James Upton, sen., upwards of 48 years the beloved and honoured pastor of the Baptist Church, in Church Street, Blackfriars Road, Surrey; who entered into his rest, September the 22nd, 1834, in the 75th year of his age. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Tomb, E. and…
Study 7: The Sinful Heart (3:9-18)
This study unfolds Paul's description of the human heart: Conceived in sin (judicial condemnation) and shaped in iniquity (spiritual corruption); deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. After the exposition of the text, an explanation is given on how the human race fell into this deplorable condition.
My Views On The Absolute Predestination Of All Things
I, a few weeks since, received by letter a request from a brother out West that I should give through the SIGNS OF THE TIMES my views on the Absolute Predestination of All things. I judge from this letter that this brother is sound on the subject; but I also judge from his letters, as also from a copy of…
A Letter To Gilbert Beebe Regarding Absolute Predestination
Brother Beebe, Having understood that several of our Brethren in different places, as well as others, have so construed my piece on the Absolute Predestination of All things, as to infer that I represent God to be the Author of sin, I have been led to look over that article to see if I did make any slip on that…
Objections To Absolute Predestination
The objection most frequently made to this doctrine is that it represents God as the author of sin. Most of those who make this objection will allow that God governs the world and that no event takes place but by His permission. Where is the difference between them and us? It appears to be something like this: We believe that…
The Doctrine Of Absolute Predestination
This sentiment, “The absolute predestination of all things” as expressed in the Prospectus of The Signs Of The Times, has called forth so much invective from some, and so much ridicule from others of the popular Baptists of this region that one would conclude some strange and absurd idea had been advocated; some whim daringly promulgated as a part of…