• Ann Brine

    The Life And Ministry Of Ann Brine

    On August 11, 1745, John Gill preached a sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Ann Brine, late wife of John Brine. He spoke on Romans 8:33,34, the two heads of his sermon being:— I. That no charge shall be brought against, nor any condemnation brought upon, the elect of God. II. That the Father’s justification of them, the Son’s…

  • Ann Brine

    The Life And Testimony Of Ann Brine

    Perceiving, that you are desirous to have an Account of the Dealings of God with my Soul, and being willing to gratify you therein; I shall give you a few short hints thereof: Though the badness of my memory, and the sense of things being too much wore off, will not admit me to give a particular relation, how I…

  • Henry Welch

    The Life And Testimony Of Henry Welch

    To The Editor Of The “Earthen Vessel And Gospel Herald." Dear Sir,—The Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald for May of last year contained a notice of Mr. H. Welch—his career and death. I should like (with your permission) to add a word to the testimony you have borne to the character of this true saint. The news of his departure…

  • Henry Welch

    The Life And Ministry Of Henry Welch

    In the Earthen Vessel of March, 1884, there appeared a short account of the ministerial life at Tooting of this dear saint of God and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, who passed away from our midst on the morning of Monday, February 17th. Mr. Welch was a member of the Congregational Church at Mitcham, and when quite a young man…

  • John Bradford

    The Life And Ministry Of John Bradford

    Rev. John Bradford was born at Manchester, in Lancashire; he was a good Latin scholar, and afterward became a servant of Sir John Harrington, knight. He continued several years in an honest and thriving way; but the Lord had elected him to a better function. Hence he departed from his master, quitting the Temple, at London, for the University of…

  • James Upton

    The Life And Ministry Of James Upton

     James Upton was born at Tunbridge Wells, Sept. 15th, 1760. We was upwards of 48 years pastor of the Baptist church, Church Street, Blackfriars Road, London. In 1776, he removed to Waltham Abbey, Essex, and two years afterwards he was baptized and joined Mr. Davis's church, being then only 18. On Feb. 20th, 1785, he preached his first sermon from…