Them That Love God
The Lord Jesus Christ tells us that men ought always to pray and not to faint. Actually, there are many things men ought always to do but by nature we cannot and will not do them. For example, we will not give God the honour, praise and love He is due from His creatures. We will not glorify His name.…
David Cuts Saul’s Garment
The Cost Of Discipleship
As mutual love subsists between Jesus and his believing members, so there is a mutual choice of each other. Hence, saith the church, ‘I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.’ Cant. 6:3 So also there is a mutual inhabitation; every believer dwells in Christ, and Christ in him. This is only comfortably experienced by continuing in the truth.…
The Heart-Breathings Of A Living Soul
He that doeth the truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God. John 3:21. This is an infallible touchstone of true conversion, given by the oracle of truth. He that trusteth to his own heart is a fool. Prov. 28:26 Sincerity may be attended with diffidence. Sincere upright souls know…
Opposed To God’s Sovereign Determinations
Human nature, how low fallen in misery and wretchedness; yet how high doth it rise in pride! Though the meek Lamb of God is the preacher of sovereign grace and distinguishing love, yet the wrath of man dares to exalt itself against his doctrine. Fury bursts forth like fire, vengeance and resentment break the bounds of the law of God…
Ezra Gives The Understanding