June 30—Morning Devotion
"In thee the fatherless findeth mercy."—Hosea 14:3 Sweet thought! In Jesus, and the relationship, which he hath condescended to place himself in, all his poor followers may find a supply to till up every vacancy. My soul, contemplate Jesus in this blessed feature of character. What relation do we need? The fatherless are commanded to look to him whose name…
June 29—Morning Devotion
"And they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance, and found him not."—Luke 2:44, 45 May we not gather a lesson of sweet instruction from the anxious and fruitless search the parents made for Jesus in the days of his flesh? What kinsfolks and acquaintances shall we now search among for the Saviour? My soul, how little of Jesus is…
Letter 3: To Ibhar—On Election
My dear Ibhar, The important subject upon which I addressed your brother Elimelech, involves the topic on which I shall write to you, praying, that the Holy Ghost may render it as consoling and profitable to you as he has to me. The election of grace must necessarily follow upon the admission of the absolute sovereignty of God: but as…
June 28—Morning Devotion
"Carry down the man a present."—Genesis 43:11 Ah, poor Jacob, how unconscious wert thou that this man, the governor of Egypt, was so near and dear to thee, and that his bowels yearned to tell thee how much he loved thee. And O ye sons of Israel, who would have had power to convince you while you were bowing down…
Send Them A Saviour
Today we are in for a pleasant surprise. Egypt, the original ‘auld enemy’ of the Jewish people is next in line for Isaiah’s burdensome prophecy but the end of the matter is not at all what we might expect. True, the Lord’s servant does bring a series of dire warnings of what is about to happen in Egypt but then,…
Send Them A Saviour