• Joseph Chamberlain

    The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Chamberlain

    “Among the ministerial friends of [William] Huntington were Isaac Beeman (1766-1838), who for twenty years preached at Cranbrook and occasionally in London, and Joseph Chamberlain (1778-1856), of Salem Chapel, Leicester. From an early age Chamberlain was under concern respecting his eternal state, and when in spiritual distress he met with some of Huntington's works and derived abiding benefit from them;…

  • F. Beedel

    The Life And Ministry Of F. Beedel

    My Beloved Brother Banks,—Grace and peace be multiplied unto you, and to all the dear people of God with you, who are held in the embrace of everlasting and unchangeable love, covered and sheltered by the blood of the everlasting covenant, called and regenerated and anointed with the anointing which teacheth all things and is true, and even as it…

  • P. B. Woodgate

    The Life And Ministry Of P. B. Woodgate

    Our brother Woodgate was born in the city of Norwich, and was blessed with a praying mother, who was a member at Princes-street Chapel and under the ministry of Mr. John Alexander. At the age of seven years he was led to feel his lost and ruined state by sin, and for seven years lived a rigid pharisee. He was,…

  • John Axford

    The Life And Ministry Of John Axford

    Mr. John Axford was born in or near Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England, on the 28th of April, 1810. He married early, and came to New York in or about 1829 or 1830. He has told the writer of his call by grace and his early struggles for truth in New York. But memory is too treacherous to enter into particulars about…

  • William Jackson

    The Life And Ministry Of William Jackson

    On May 30th, fell asleep, at the age of 72 years, William Jackson, for twenty years the indefatigable secretary of the Aged Pilgrims' Asylum, Hornsey Rise, and for nearly twenty previous years of the Camberwell Asylum, also more recently of those at Brighton and Stamford Hill. In William Jackson very many have lost a true friend, but not one an…

  • W. H. Lee

    The Life And Ministry Of W. H. Lee

    Dear Brother Winters,—At your request I attempt to send you a few lines respecting the old and new man living in one house. I was born on November 24th, 1838, at Eastwood-end (at the only shop in the village), near March, Cambridgeshire. My parents were professing people. We usually went to March twice on Lord's-day to hear a Mr. Betts…