The Life And Death Of Joseph Hart
This worthy minister was born in London in the year 1712. He w'rites concerning himself, “As I had the happiness of being born of believing parents, I imbibed the sound doctrines of the gospel from my infancy; nor was I without touches of heart, checks of conscience, and meltings of affection, by the secret strivings of God’s Spirit with me…
How Shall We Escape?
Forty Years In The Wilderness
How Shall We Escape?
Today’s passage is short but sweet for all who have been led to find God’s great salvation by Jesus Christ in the steps of the ancient people of God. A great part of true faith is necessity. Many adopt Christianity as a lifestyle choice and embrace its principles as an act of freewill. God’s elect, however, are driven into the…
Letter 4: To Berith—On The Covenant Of Grace
My dear Berith, The conspicuous change which has been effected in you, by the grace of God, affords me peculiar satisfaction, and begets in my mind, an anxiety for the increase and permanency of those pleasures of which you have already tasted; and with this object in view, allow me to lead your attention to the inexhaustible treasure, whence all…
The Duty Of A Gospel Preacher
On December 13, 1875, St. John’s Green Chapel, Colchester, held special services for the induction of their new pastor, Mr. Brown. Several local pastors formed the ordination council, among which was Mr. John Bunyan McCure. He was appointed to bring the “charge” to Mr. Brown, in preparation for his pastoral duties at the chapel. “I speak a word of exhortation…