The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Poock
The late Mr. Thomas Poock was born at Brompton, near Chatham, Kent, on the 21st Feb., 1797. His early life was "full of striking incidents and marvelous activeness." Bereaved of his mother in early childhood, he became a poor, helpless, friendless outcast consequently was placed in a very trying position. An uncle, who lived many miles away, hearing of it,…
Can You Give Me The Gospel You Offer?
The late Charles Rolfe (1802-1877), Rector of Shadoxhurst and Orlestone, Kent, a good scholar in the school of Christ, a consistent follower of the Lamb, and a faithful champion for the truth, frequently told an anecdote of a person who went to a minister who had been offering salvation to all who chose to accept it, and said to him,…
The Life And Ministry Of Charles Rolfe
What a beautiful thing is real friendship! and especially when it is backed up with such manifestations, and practical proofs, as demonstrate its sincerity. Jonathan showed the sincerity of his love to David by interceding with his father Saul in David's behalf; and Boaz gave the most practical proof of his friendship to Ruth by letting her glean in his…
The Life And Ministry Of John Vinall
The interment of the mortal remains of this highly esteemed and aged minister, took place Friday afternoon, March 9th, 1860, at two o'clock, under circumstances which must have been, on such a melancholy occasion, very gratifying to all his relations and friends and admirers. The late Rev. John Vinall was no ordinary man; by application in studying the Scriptures, coupled…
The Life And Ministry Of A. E. Realff
In the afternoon of January 20, Mr. J. Box most kindly supplied for W. J. Styles, who was incapacitated through illness. Proceeding to explain in a most lucid and affectionate manner the nature of a Gospel Church: its privileges and duties, our dear brother took for his text Dan. 10:21, first clause. Very sweetly and encouragingly was he led into…
The Life And Death Of William Hazelton
The severe and protracted sufferings of our beloved brother, William Hazelton, were brought to a close by death on Lord's-day evening, January 11th, at 8.20, in the National Hospital, Queen's Square, Bloomsbury, London. It will be remembered by many of our readers who attended the Annual Meetings of the Suffolk and Norfolk Particular Baptist Association, on June 6th, 1888, at…