The Life And Ministry Of Josiah Crutcher
Our readers will unite with us in our expressions of grief at the demise of our highly esteemed brother in Christ, Josiah Crutcher, which took place Oct. 2, 1888, in his 65th year. At the funeral on Monday, Oct. 9, the greatest possible respect to the memory of the deceased was shown at The Grove, Camberwell. The pulpit was becomingly…
The Life And Ministry Of John Woodward
Our dear departed Brother, Mr. John Woodward, whose portrait is given with the present issue, was one of the few unassuming and reticent Christians who are better known by deeds than words. The writer of this sketch did not have the privilege of a long acquaintance with him (about eight years at most), but it was long and close enough…
A Specimen Of Hercules Collins’ Teachings
The Reformed Baptists are under the impression they represent the teachings of the 17th century Particular Baptists (17th PB’s). They believe the 17th PB’s were Moderate-Calvinists. During the 18th century, there arose a new generation of preachers who deviated from their forefathers, running to the extremes of Hyper-Calvinism. These hyper teachings killed evangelism which in turn suffocated the churches. To…
The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Taylor
Dear Brother Banks,—Obeying your request for a sketch of my life, I consider it one more call for Deut. 8:2 to be carried out: "Thou shalt remember all the way the Lord thy God led thee these forty (and two) years in the wilderness," &c. May the "favour" which is borne unto His people, be borne upon me, and born…
The Life And Ministry Of Ann Brine
On August 11, 1745, John Gill preached a sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Ann Brine, late wife of John Brine. He spoke on Romans 8:33,34, the two heads of his sermon being:— I. That no charge shall be brought against, nor any condemnation brought upon, the elect of God. II. That the Father’s justification of them, the Son’s…
The Life And Testimony Of Ann Brine
Perceiving, that you are desirous to have an Account of the Dealings of God with my Soul, and being willing to gratify you therein; I shall give you a few short hints thereof: Though the badness of my memory, and the sense of things being too much wore off, will not admit me to give a particular relation, how I…