• Richard Varder

    The Life And Ministry Of Richard Varder

    Mr. R. Varder was born in the village of Harberton, in the county of Devon, on November 24th, 1829. When eleven months old his mother was taken from him by death; and at the age of nine years his father died, leaving him with three brothers and one sister, orphans. But in a remarkable manner they each proved the truth…

  • Robert Bowles

    The Life And Ministry Of Robert Bowles

    I was born in London, November 27th, 1824. From my earliest recollection I had a strong convictions of sin, and of the being, majesty, and perfections of God. So that I have often, when a child, crept into some secret place to call upon God to pardon my sin, and teach me to know and do His will. Under the…

  • Thomas Carr

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Carr

    Dear Brother,—In responding to your request that I should record some of God's gracious dealings with me, I will commence by stating that it was my great privilege to be born of godly parents, and in very early life taken by them to the Old Surrey Tabernacle, Borough Road, where the late Mr. James Wells ministered for so many years.…

  • William Kern

    The Life And Ministry Of William Kern

    Dear Mr. Editor,—I was born at Lards-hill Common, in the parish of Wonersh, Surrey, on the 12th of August, 1836; and was not expected to live but a very short time. All but my mother who saw me said I should soon die. As I grew up I proved to be very delicate and weak, which sometimes filled me with…

  • William Large

    The Life And Ministry Of William Large

    Dear Brother Winters,—-I am obliged to you for sending for a sketch of my life, spiritual and temporal. I am such a debtor to sovereign grace that I hardly know where to begin the wonderful task, and think the language of Kent is very appropriate:— "My God, when I recount Thy thoughts  Of love concerning me; And where began the…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    I’m Not That Bad

    No one ever seeks God’s grace until they discover a need for it. One of the great failures of modern evangelistic practices is trying to convert people who have no real sense of sin and no felt need of forgiveness. Until a man or a woman come to grasp their true sinful state before the holy Lord God they will…