• William Waite

    The Life And Ministry Of William Waite

    Dear Brother,—At your request, I will try and pen a few particulars of my life, and the Lord's gracious dealings with me, in calling me by grace, and to the ministry. I was born on the 29th of October, 1840, of Christian parents, at Bradford-On-Avon, and was early taken to the house of God. My father at that time was…

  • Richard Bax

    The Life And Ministry Of Richard Bax

    We now proceed to give a brief sketch of the late Mr. Richard Bax, who succeeded Mr. Murrell in the pastorate at St. Neots, chiefly selected from statements delivered by him on the occasion of his ordination, on June 30th, 1868. On the 23rd of August, 1834, he says: "I was born a sinner into an awful world. Sin lived…

  • Anne Steele

    The Life And Ministry Of Anne Steele

    It has been observed that many of our most approved hymn writers were unmarried—the list including Cowper, Sir E. Denny, Charlotte Elliott, Susannah Harrison, R. Murray M'Cheyne, Samuel Pearce, Thomas Row, Jane Taylor, A. M. Toplady, Anna Letitia Waring, Dr. Watts, Henry Kirke White, and the saintly lady whose name appears above. She was the eldest daughter of a timber…

  • William Evans

    The Life And Ministry Of William Evans

    My Dear Brother,—After long delay I comply with your oft-repented request, and send a brief outline of the way which the Lord has led me, a way in which there has been trials, losses, and sorrows, but, withal, goodness, mercy, and faithfulness, so great and constant that encourages hope to expect and faith to believe,  “That, after so much mercy…

  • S. T. Belcher

    The Life And Ministry Of S. T. Belcher

    Blessed is the man of whom it may be said, "From a child thou hast known the Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation." But this blessedness belongeth not unto me, for my parents, like Galleo, "cared for none of these things." What little religious teaching I ever had was from an aged grandmother, when but a…

  • Job Hupton

    A Blow Struck At The Root Of Fullerism

    The following letter originated in a conversation upon Mr. Fuller’s sentiment, viz. “faith the duty of the unconverted,” between the writer and the gentleman to whom it is addressed, in which this question was put, by the former, to the latter. Is the peculiar faith of God’s elect, or the faith of the operation of God, a duty of the…