• William Mason

    A Holy Calling

    Such as our notions of sin and danger are, such is our judgment of salvation and deliverance. In our natural state we see only the fruits of sin in outward actions, but consider not the corrupt cursed root from whence they spring. Hence poor souls think it no great and difficult matter to be saved, especially if they have some…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    The Lord Abiding With Us To Help And Strengthen

    Surely this is one of the most beautiful chapters in the New Testament. "The Lord is risen indeed"; "Vain the stone, the watch, the seal"; and these precious appearances to these godly women and to these two on the road to Emmaus. Now beloved friends, on a number of occasions I have spoken to you from this chapter, and often…

  • William Mason

    To Those Who Believe Christ Is Precious

    We are loved with precious love, redeemed by precious blood, comforted by precious promises, justified by precious faith; yea, righteousness, holiness, heaven, we have all by union with a precious Jesus. Surely then ‘to them that believe he is precious.’ Say, ye sons and daughters of poverty and affliction, is not this a time when friends grow cold and desert…

  • William Glasgow

    The Life And Death Of William Glasgow

    This faithful servant of God received the home-call rather suddenly on March 6th. He had reached the ripe old age of 83 years, and had been for many years in a weak state of health, though he was able to walk out a few steps the day before his decease. He was born at Chesham, Bucks; became the recipient of…

  • Theodore Beza

    On The Logical Order Of God’s Decree – Supralapsarianism

    "This author [Job Burt] should have mentioned these scriptures, and commented upon them, and answered the arguments of the supralapsarians from them; in particular, Theodore Beza, in his notes upon the last of these texts [Rom 9:21-23], which I shall transcribe for this man’s sake; and he may try whether he is capable of answering of them. 'Those who, by…