The Sanctifying Power Of The Holy Spirit
Dear Sister,—The country is now in its perfection. Every bush a nosegay, all the ground a piece of embroidery; on each tree the voice of melody, in every grove a concert of warbling music. The air is enriched with native perfumes, and the whole creation seems to smile. Such a pleasing improving change has taken place; because, as the Psalmist…
Nearness To The Throne Of Grace
The Following Letter Was Written From France To The Church And Congregation At Clifton. My Dear People, to whom it has pleased the Lord to lead me to preach the Word of life, you have a very large place in my affections, and often are my thoughts wafted across sea and land to you collectively and individually, and, what is…
The Life And Death Of Samuel Wilson
J. A. Jones, “Bunhill Memorials: Sacred Reminiscences Of Three Hundred Ministers And Other Persons Of Note, Who Are Buried In Bunhill Fields, Of Every Denomination” (1849): [1] Samuel Wilson, Baptist.—Mr. Samuel Wilson was born about the year 1702; he was descended from godly Dissenting ministers, both by his father’s and mother’s side. Mr. Ebenezer Wilson, pastor of the Church in…
The Life And Ministry Of John Moore
It was amongst you that I drew my first natural breath, being born at Okeworth Hall, in the parish of Keighley, Yorkshire, in 1662. It was amongst you that I had my education in my childhood and youth, under the care of my religious parent, and by instruction and tutorage, chiefly and especially Mr. W. Hustler, of Bingley, Yorkshire. It…
The Life And Ministry Of Anne Dutton
It pleased the Lord, in the fifteenth year of my age, to incline my heart to join with the Church of Christ in Northampton, over which the late Mr. Hunt was pastor. Under his ministry I was often laid to the breasts of consolation, and, being fed with the milk of the word, which was suited to my present case,…
The Life And Ministry Of Robert Sears
God said unto Moses, "I will make all My goodness pass before thee;'' and it passes before us in our own personal experience, and we record it here in praise of the sovereign grace and matchless love of our covenant God. I might have been left to perish in my sin, for,— “Why was I made to hear Thy voice,…