• Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    I’m Not That Bad

    No one ever seeks God’s grace until they discover a need for it. One of the great failures of modern evangelistic practices is trying to convert people who have no real sense of sin and no felt need of forgiveness. Until a man or a woman come to grasp their true sinful state before the holy Lord God they will…

  • William Archer

    The Life And Ministry Of William Archer

    Dear brother Banks,—As you wished me to give you a little account of the way in which I have been led, I will do so very briefly. I was born March 26th, 1831, in the parish of Barking, Essex. My parents at that time worshipped with the Wesleyans. In the providence of God they removed to Chadwell Heath. They afterwards…

  • William Trotman

    The Life And Ministry Of William Trotman

    I was born at Cricklewood, in the Edgware Road, on the 31st of March, 1826. I have therefore reached the sixty-third year of my earthly pilgrimage. The days have been like Jacob's, "few and evil;" but in the midst of the evil, Divine goodness has been manifested, and with David I often say, "He hath not dealt with me after…

  • Henry Myerson

    The Life And Ministry Of Henry Myerson

    My dear brother W. Winters,—-I forward you as requested a short sketch of my life. I was born January 12th, 1827, in the parish of Bethnal-green, in the county of Middlesex. At the age of six years I was placed in the Hebrew School, Palestine-place, Cambridge-heath, which school belongs to the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, my…

  • Frederick King

    The Life And Ministry Of Frederick King

    Our dear friend was a tried Christian, but he did not parade his troubles in the pulpit. He was careful not to speak about himself, but his sermons were brimful and running over with a precious Christ. I have seen the tears start in his eyes, and an expression of glory in his countenance, while he exclaimed in Rutherford's language:—…