The Life And Ministry Of Walter Turner
Walter Samuel Turner was born at Gestingthorpe, Essex, on January 13th, 1842. He was not favoured with any spiritual advantages at home, but God, who had chose him in eternity, began to deal with him in grace when was he quite young. We are unable to give any detailed account of his early experiences, nor are we sure by whom,…
The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Walker
We are largely indebted to Mr. Samuel Hull, the senior Deacon of "Providence" Baptist Chapel, Northampton, for the following particulars relating to the late Mr. Joseph Walker, whose excellent portrait accompanies this month's issue. Mr. Walker was born at Leicester in 1851. The son of godly parents, he was regular in his attendance on the means of grace from childhood,…
The Life And Ministry Of John Snow
Dear brother in the faith,—According to your request, a few details of the lovingkindness of the Lord are forwarded, which I pray He will be pleased to bless to some seeker or servant of God. I was born on August 15, 1867, at Hull; but was so soon removed in God's providence that my furthest recollections carry me to a…
The Life And Ministry Of Earnest Booth
In another column reference is made to our young friend and brother Booth, whose portrait accompanies this number, a brief reference to him, therefore, is all that is needed here. Favoured with Christ-loving parents, Mr. Booth was early trained to attend the worship and service of God in good old Homerton Row, a place of old renown for New Testament…
The Life And Ministry Of David Thomas
The subject of this sketch was born in a farm-house at Tandridge, Surrey, in February, 1839. He was the seventh child in a family of thirteen, was very delicate from his birth, and suffered from several severe illnesses, his life being despaired of, yet, through the mercy of God, and the tender care of his parents, he grew to man's…
The Life And Ministry Of Charles Suggate
Our brother, Mr. Charles Suggate, was born at Brampton, Suffolk, on March 12th, 1834. His parents were poor, but, though not spiritual, highly moral and respectable. They were attendants at the parish Church, the only place of worship in the village, and endeavoured to bring up their children according to the best of their light and knowledge. His mother had…