The Life And Ministry Of William Brundish
Dear Brother,—The brief sketch I write of my life, as desired, I forward, hoping it will be made a blessing to the sons and daughters of Zion; but, like Amos and Gideon, I do not feel worthy of a place in your "gallery," or, as we quaintly call it, “our modern 11th of Hebrews;” or, "Our Chronicle of the Great;"…
The Life And Ministry Of W. Sharpe
It will be rather difficult to say much of my beloved father, he being of a very reticent nature; however, there are some facts we are aware of. He was born of parents who were devoted to the Church, therefore he was brought up to it. As he used to tell us, he was christened and confirmed all to no…
The Life And Ministry Of John Huntley
As briefly notified in the April “Earthen Vessel and Gospel Herald,” my dear father fell on sleep the 1st day of March, aged 74. His was a remarkable life, and one that received much often Divine blessing. He was favoured with godly parentage, his father being for 64 years the beloved pastor of the Church at Limpley, Stoke, and while…
The Life And Ministry Of Robert Mutimer
I was born at Wilby, Suffolk, on December 23rd, 1861. When I was quite young my parents used to take me to Laxfield Baptist Chapel, a distance of three miles. On Sunday evenings I stayed at home, and read the Bible with my parents. I greatly disliked the restraint I was under, and longed for the time to come when…
The Life And Ministry Of W. A. Dale
My natural birth took place on July 29th, 1870, at Rett's Grove, Wandsworth Road, Clapham Common, where my parents, who were members of the Church at Courland Grove, then under the pastoral care of the late Mr. Ponsford, at that time resided. The ill-health of my father, together with an epidemic of small-pox, to which my parents feared I might…
The Life And Ministry Of W. H. Rose
In complying with the request of the Editor for a sketch of my career, I would be guided by the judicious remark of John Foster, in his Essay entitled, "On a Man's Writing Memoirs of Himself:" "The materials of any value that all past life can supply to a recording pen would be reduced by a discerning selection to a…