• Isaac Johnson

    The Life And Ministry Of Isaac Charles Johnson

    On the 28th January, 1811, a weakly atom of humanity was ushered into this sin-covered world. He was the second born of his parents, and the only one out of several to struggle through the various stages of life, all the others dying in infancy. His mother often grieved over him, saying, "He will never make old bones." At the…

  • Josiah Morling,  Personal Confessions

    A Declaration Of Faith

    Declaration Of Faith Read By The Pastor Elect, Mr. Josiah Morling, High Wycombe, Buck. I believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, in their entirety, are the real Word of God; that they are the full and perfect revelation of His mind, will, works, and ways; that holy men of God wrote them as they were moved…

  • Josiah Morling

    The Life And Ministry Of Josiah Morling

    Dear Brother Winters,—I first saw the light on May 12th, 1843, in the village of Cottenham, Cambs., at one time noted for its fine quality of cheese. My parents being members of the Particular Baptist Chapel in Rooks-lane, now known as "Ebenezer,'' it was my lot to be brought up under the truth, which then had no charms for me.…

  • Charles Wilson

    “Purchased To Himself A Good Degree”

    It was at our own special request that we asked permission to present our readers, at the commencement of this year, as a frontispiece to the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, a portrait of our venerable and much-valued friend, Mr. Charles Wilson. In the April number for the year 1889, a portrait of Mr. Wilson was inserted from a very…

  • Charles Wilson

    Inaugural Address: Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches

    Delivered At The Annual Meeting Of The Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches, On March 12, 1889 By Mr. Charles Wilson, President Beloved Friends,—Most heartily do I thank you for the honour conferred upon me in electing me as president of the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches. Through the blessing of God upon the noble efforts of our forefathers,…

  • Charles Wilson

    The Life And Death Of Charles Wilson

    On the last day of the year, Saturday, December 31st, 1898, we followed the mortal remains of brother C. Wilson to the grave. As a natural consequence, owing to the high esteem in which Mr. Wilson was held by the Strict Baptist Denomination, a large concourse of friends from the metropolis and suburbs gathered on the solemn occasion, the large…