• William Mason

    Sanctify Us Through Thy Truth

    Thus prayed our great High Priest on earth. What he asked in his humiliation, is founded upon the word and will of his Father, and he hath power to effect it in his exaltation. Hence we have the fullest assurance of the perfect sanctification of all his members, hence the desires and breathings of souls after holiness are encouraged, and…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    Hard Questions

    This was a most interesting occasion in the life of King Solomon. The Queen of Sheba, hearing of the fame of Solomon, and as it is emphasised, the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord (see 1 Kings 10. 1), she was attracted, and she came. It was a long journey, but she ventured, and she was not…

  • John Baker

    The Life And Testimony Of John Baker

    He was born of God-fearing parents, and brought up to attend the cause of truth then held in a cottage, before the present chapel at Eaton Bray was built; but when older in years he would go no longer, but spent the Lord's days in sin and folly. It is believed that the Lord first met with him at a…

  • Hannah Banks

    The Life And Death Of Hannah Banks

    Hannah Banks, who, for over fifty-two years, was the constant companion and loving wife of Charles Burt Banks, was called home on October 31st, 1912.  The bereaved husband, who is a son of the late C. W. Banks (whose name will always be associated with this magazine as its founder and first editor, and whose abundant labours so many of…

  • William Mason

    My Soul Is Cast Down Within Me

    In times of dejection and distress, the thoughts of a dear friend, who has comforted us in times past, tend to alleviate the mind. If we are assured of his love to us, we question not his readiness to assist us. So under the affecting loss of a dear brother, Martha addresses the Saviour, “Lord, if thou hadst been here,…