• Charles Wilson

    Inaugural Address: Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches

    Delivered At The Annual Meeting Of The Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches, On March 12, 1889 By Mr. Charles Wilson, President Beloved Friends,—Most heartily do I thank you for the honour conferred upon me in electing me as president of the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches. Through the blessing of God upon the noble efforts of our forefathers,…

  • Charles Wilson

    The Life And Death Of Charles Wilson

    On the last day of the year, Saturday, December 31st, 1898, we followed the mortal remains of brother C. Wilson to the grave. As a natural consequence, owing to the high esteem in which Mr. Wilson was held by the Strict Baptist Denomination, a large concourse of friends from the metropolis and suburbs gathered on the solemn occasion, the large…

  • Charles Wilson

    The Life And Testimony Of Charles Wilson

    Dear Mr. Editor,—At your request I send you a few particulars of my life. I was born in the parish of Stradbrook, in the county of Suffolk, on the 13th of May, 1817. My father was a schoolmaster, and my mother was a godly woman, a member of the Baptist Church in the village. Being much afflicted, she became deeply…

  • Charles Wilson

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Wilson

    Charles Wilson, our dear father, was born at Stradbroke, in Suffolk, on May 22, 1817. His father kept a boys' school in that village, and, though a good schoolmaster, was not a Christian, nor a kind father. His mother was a member of the Baptist Church, and, though she died when he was very young, her Christian character influenced him…

  • John Throssell,  Personal Confessions

    The Doctrinal Basis For My Faith

    In 1895, recognition services were conducted at Salem Chapel, Ramsey, Hunts., for the appointment of the church’s new pastor, John Throssell. Mr. Throssell announced as the “Doctrinal Basis” for his faith: “I believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. In it we see the existent of the Deity, being one God in three distinct Persons, being equal…

  • John Throssell

    The Recognition Of Pastor John Throssell To Salem Chapel

    On Tuesday, Jan. 8, services of an interesting character were held in Salem Chapel, Ramsey in connection with the settlement of Mr. Throssell as pastor. The day opened bright and cheerily, yet snow-storms fell at times, making it uncomfortable for friends at a distance to get to the house of God. Still the Lord inclined the hearts of many to…