• Charles Hancock

    The Life And Ministry Of Charles Hancock

    Dear Brother Banks,—You kindly ask me for a sketch of my life, together with a brief history of the cause of God in Sturry. I confess I have studiously avoided publicity in my present sphere, feeling I am not like most of God's servants, but of late years have been more drawn to you as editor of the Earthen Vessel…

  • Adam Dalton

    The Life And Ministry Of Adam Dalton

    “Your fathers, where are they? And the prophets, do they live for ever?” Both No and Yes, says feeling and affection, struggling for the mastery. And while contemplating the attenuated frame of our old friend, we felt glad that his physical sufferings were so nearly ended, and the glory world so nearly reached. We must have talked hundreds of times…

  • Jazer: Assistance For The Weak In Faith

    Letter 6: To Zadok—On Justification

    I know not a question of greater moment to a trembling sinner, than that which the Holy Spirit directed Job to propose, “how shall man be just with God?” And as I am persuaded of your solicitude to decide this question for yourself I write this epistle, with the hope of affording you a little assistance. In order to place…

  • Jazer: Assistance For The Weak In Faith

    Letter 5: To Zebah—On Atonement

    The subject on which I am about to offer you a few remarks, has been dear to the heart of every Christian in all ages; it is the glory of the gospel scheme, and shall constitute our song in the realms of bliss; it is therefore desirable, that your mind should be well informed upon it, and deeply affected with…

  • Jared Smith's Studies In Romans

    Study 9: Justification Explained, By Redeeming Grace (3:19-31)

    This recording picked up two audio sources resulting in an echo effect. Jared hopes the listener/watcher will forebear the unpleasant sound in view of benefitting from the teachings. This study begins a new section in Paul's letter to the Romans—How Are Sinners Secured Salvation By God? Paul divides his answer under four headings, unfolding the various roles assumed by the…