Escaping Condemnation
Dost thou believe on the Son of God, is the most important question in the world. Faith in Jesus is the one thing needful. Without this the day of life is a state of sin and condemnation; the night of death full of terror, and the day of judgment most dreadful. It cannot be otherwise. As we are all malefactors,…
Ye Have Need Of Patience
Are the Christian’s exercises great, and his patience small? Yet can he ever be at a loss to know by whom this grace is increased? Verily the Lord he serveth is ‘the God of patience.’ Hath he need of patience? Hear the Comforter’s declaration, by St Paul: ‘My God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory.’…
When Ye Pray
Faith in the heart excites prayer from the lips. Thus the faith of God’s elect manifests itself, that it cometh from the Lord the Spirit. By it the soul is led to Jesus the mediator, and by him to God the Father. So each person in the Godhead is known, worshipped, and glorified by believing souls. While we see and…
A Ransom For All
The gospel is quite sufficient to answer every objection, and to silence every cavil against salvation by Christ. This sacred oracle we are to consult day after day. Do we ask, why are any sinners saved? It assures us that God hath loved them; this is the cause. If we enquire, how God doth save them? It tells us that…
The Terms Of Discipleship
'Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again,’ saith Christ, John 3:7. The blessed effects of this spiritual birth will be evident in the life. Earthly objects will be forsaken, heavenly ones prized. Jesus will be chosen as our beloved master and only hope. He being esteemed our treasure, our hearts will be with him, our…
Lead Me To The Rock That Is Higher Than I