• E. M. Bacon

    The Life And Ministry Of E. M. Bacon

    Dear Brother,—The year 1858, on August 23rd, in the ancient city of Coventry, was the time and place fixed by the Great First Cause of all events for ushering into this world—beautiful in its created glory, though blighted by Adam's sin—of the one who has been spared to write this. I was left fatherless when nearly eight years of age,…

  • Andrew Ward

    The Life And Ministry Of Andrew Ward

    I was born on July 30, 1854, in the village of Earl's Barton, Northamptonshire. My parents were poor, but hard-working. At the time of my birth they were not professors, but soon afterward they were called by God out of darkness into His marvelous light. I can just remember them being baptized, so from my early remembrance I was brought…

  • David Smith

    The Life And Ministry Of David Smith

    Dear Brother,—At your request I am penning a brief outline of my life and connection with the cause at Broad-street, Bilston, to accompany photo in the Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald. Our family record makes known the fact that I was born in a village called "the Lye," in the county of Worcester, March 25th, 1859. When quite a child,…

  • B. T. Dale

    The Life And Ministry Of B. T. Dale

    Dear Brother,—According to your request, I send you a few particulars of my life. I was born on March 3rd, 1853, and as the Scriptures affirm, and which I fully believe, born in sin, as my after-life goes to prove, although I thank God I was never left to enter into any open sin which the world could point to…