• James Clark

    The Life And Ministry Of James Clark

    My Dear Brother,—In acceding to your earnest request, I herewith send you a brief account of the Lord's dealings with me. I was born into this world of sin and sorrow on April 27th, 1841, in the town of Tring, in Hertfordshire. It was my privilege, from my earliest days, to be brought up under the influence of a godly…

  • Hiram Maycock

    The Life And Ministry Of Hiram Maycock

    In compliance with the request of many friends, I herewith send a few details with respect to the life, call by grace, and ministerial career of our late friend and brother, H. G. Maycock. He was born in India, near Delhi, on December 3rd, 1823 (his father being of the military profession), and brought to this country when about fifteen…

  • John Brand

    The Life And Ministry Of John Brand

    Our departed brother was born at Thundersley, Essex, on August 8, 1843. While the influence and training of his godly parents (to which he often alluded) was not lost upon him, he soon gave evidence that he was born in sin, though presented from going to the excess of wickedness to which many have gone. From a child there were…

  • Harry Chilvers

    The Life And Ministry Of Harry Chilvers

    When asked by the beloved editor of our Magazine to send an account of the Lord's dealings with me in providence and grace, the text came to my mind, "What is man that Thou art mindful of him? By nature, a poor sinful wretch, living without hope and God in the world: all his powers and passions, like so many…

  • H. D. Sandell

    The Life And Ministry Of H. D. Sandell

    The following is a brief account of the origin, &c., of Mr. H. D. Sandell, pastor of Ebenezer, Fulham, whose call by grace and to the ministry has recently been given in our pages.  Our brother says:— "I was born on April 22nd, 1848, in the parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark. My parents were then rather reduced in circumstances, having…

  • G. Diffey

    The Life And Ministry Of G. Diffey

    For the benefit of our readers in Devonshire, Wales, America, and Australia, we give a portrait and brief sketch of our old friend Mr. Diffey, late pastor of Poulner, near Ringwood, Hants. Deceased was born near the town of Corfe Castle, Dorset, in 1820; was brought up among the "Independents," where he attended the Bible-class; and on the subject of…