• Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    In This Mountain

    This is a delightful passage full of gospel truth and containing many insights concerning the saving and keeping work of Jesus Christ. How blessed the Lord’s remnant people have been to have received, read and recalled these promises in their periods of trouble and fear. Long before Babylon and Rome ever rose in power to afflict the Jews or worry…

  • William Parks

    The Trinity In Unity

    I often think with much sadness upon the great ignorance of professing Christians. Whether people call themselves Churchmen or dissenters, there is a deplorable want of information amongst them upon the great doctrine of revelation. I most firmly believe that if the first one hundred persons we were to meet in the streets were to be stopped, and examined upon…

  • William Parks

    The Life And Ministry Of William Parks

    In the most unthought-of and unsought-for way, it has devolved upon us to take the oversight of the following pages, whilst passing through the press. As far as the Sermons themselves are concerned, our labour has been confined to the simple reading of the proof-sheets. We have occasionally added a foot-note; otherwise we have scarcely made half-a-dozen verbal alterations: so…