The Life And Ministry Of David Thomas
The subject of this sketch was born in a farm-house at Tandridge, Surrey, in February, 1839. He was the seventh child in a family of thirteen, was very delicate from his birth, and suffered from several severe illnesses, his life being despaired of, yet, through the mercy of God, and the tender care of his parents, he grew to man's…
The Life And Ministry Of Charles Suggate
Our brother, Mr. Charles Suggate, was born at Brampton, Suffolk, on March 12th, 1834. His parents were poor, but, though not spiritual, highly moral and respectable. They were attendants at the parish Church, the only place of worship in the village, and endeavoured to bring up their children according to the best of their light and knowledge. His mother had…
Election? Is That Fair?
The Life And Death Of Aaron
Election? Is That Fair?
Election is a common Bible theme and the word in its various forms is used so frequently in the Old and New Testament that we might expect the doctrine of election to be generally accepted and believed. That is not, however, the case. Despite Old Testament prophets such as Moses, David and Isaiah clearly explaining election, and notwithstanding Jesus and…
The New Covenant
A covenant means a contract, compact, arrangement between two or more persons. As employed by God it denotes the methods and terms in which He deals with men. He brought Israel out of Egypt by His outstretched arm, and entered into a covenant with them at Sinai. In our text He promises to enter into another arrangement with His people…