The Life And Ministry Of William Krause
The eight or nine volumes of sermons and lectures by William H. Krause, M.A. (1797-1852), of Dublin, published after his death, are most valuable. They are models of expository preaching and there is running through them a deep and rich vein of spiritual experience. Would that there were more such preaching to-day and that his books could be read and…
A Practical Discourse On God’s Sovereignty
This high and tremendous attribute, being an ocean that has neither bank nor bottom, may not lightly be launched into by any, though ever so strongly built and well-manned, (much less by so weak a vessel,) without a divine compass, and an anchor within the veil. That the author of this Discourse came into it, was not of choice or…
Letter 8: To Abiah—On Adoption
My dear Abiah, When the objects of Jehovah’s electing love receive the adoption of sons, and are introduced to the family of God, it is impossible to describe the blessedness of their experience, or to delineate the extent of their privileges. I trust you have shared in that mercy; and I am solicitous that you should be conscious of its…
For Ever And Ever. Amen.
Balaam’s First Blessing
For Ever And Ever. Amen.
There is a majesty in the Bible that testifies to its divine revelation and supernatural origin. In holy scripture we learn how God has intervened extraordinarily in the course of this sinful world’s history for the salvation of men and women otherwise lost. The scriptures reveal God’s gospel purpose of grace. They tell us, ‘while we were yet sinners Christ…