• William Mason

    Abstain From Fleshly Lusts

    The soul of every disciple of Jesus is most dearly beloved by the holy Trinity. It is a precious jewel in the eyes of the loving Father, the redeeming Son, and the sanctifying Spirit; who all unite to make it happy. But it hath a world of enemies. Yea, it is at present in the closest and nearest relation to…

  • William Mason

    Sanctify The Lord Of Hosts

    In consequence of a blessed union between Jesus and his believing members, the word discovers the sweet concord and delight that naturally subsists in the heart towards each other. Thus of old it is declared, ‘The Lord’s portion is his people.’ Deut. 27:9. And the church claims Jesus under the same appellation: ‘The Lord is my portion, saith my soul.’…

  • William Mason

    The House Of Christ

    The tabernacle, with its furniture, the ark of the covenant and the institution of sacrifices, were appointed by Jehovah, to show the nature of his house, to typify his dwelling in the human nature of Jesus, his sacrifice and special presence with the household of faith. David asks, ‘Lord, who shall dwell with thee?’ Ps. 15:1. The answer is, only…

  • William Mason

    Bold As A Lion

    Watchful and bold, is the Christian’s motto. Watchful to avoid sin, bold to resist the enemies of his soul. For he is engaged in a righteous cause, animated by righteous hopes, made righteous by a righteous Lord; from whom he derives all his strength and courage. In Jehovah Jesus have I righteousness and strength. Is. 45:24. This is the glorying…