Vessels Of Wrath And Vessels Of Mercy
I would beg to acquaint the Christian Reader of the following pages, that I preached the Sermons of which they form the substance, at the particular request of some brethren in the Lord, who were desirous of hearing a scriptural exposition of these verses. I bless God that I have been enabled to study, preach, and send forth my discourses…
Letter 9: To Beulah—On Union With Christ
My Dear Beulah, Permit me to address a word of congratulation to you, on the sacred, honorable, and indissoluble union which exists between Christ and your soul; a union planned in eternity, effected in the fulness of time and fraught with infinite and eternal advantages. The word of truth employs many delightful, metaphors to explain it, and affords many positive…
Full Assurance Of Faith
Balaam’s Second Blessing
Full Assurance Of Faith
The genius of the Epistle to the Hebrews is the pre-eminence given to the Lord Jesus Christ, showing Him to be the fulfilment of the types and shadows of the Mosaic law with its sacrifices and rituals. The Levitical priesthood points to Christ’s office as our Great High Priest. The legal sacrifices prefigured the unique and perfect sacrifice Christ offered…
1 Hyper Calvinist Quotes
Mark you; many of our fine so-called ministers talk about offering salvation: and men refusing: they might as well go to the farthest and of the coal pit, and command the coal to rise up, and walk out of itself. God says, “I will bring them;” and that not part of the way merely; no: but through the fire, and…