The Life And Ministry Of Anne Banks
Anne Maria, the beloved wife of John W. Banks, was born at Westbury Leigh in the second decade of the present century. Her parents, William and Mary Applegate, were godly people, and members of the (then) Particular Baptist Church at Westbury Leigh, though the father of deceased would often walk into Trowbridge (five miles) in order to hear the late…
The Life And Ministry Of J. Everett
According to your request, I send you a brief account of my call by grace, to the ministry, and to the pastorate of Ebenezer, Grays. I was born of godly parents in the year 1852, and, like the rest of the fallen sons of Adam, walked accordingly to the course of this world, "Wandering from Him while I could, Till…
The Life And Ministry Of James Boorne
In our last issue (see below) we referred to the translation from the Church below to the Church above of Mr. James Boorne, pastor of Devonshire-road Chapel, Greenwich, the subject of this months portrait and sketch whose funeral obsequies it was our mournful duty, yet sacred pleasure, to unite in, in November last. We now proceed to record somewhat of…
The Life And Ministry Of Jabez Mowle
Jabez Mowle was known, loved, and revered, not only at Stoke Ash, and in all Churches of truth throughout Suffolk, but by many in London, for there is scarce a cause in the great Metropolis but has some members who hail from East Anglia, beside numerous others who are in the habit of visiting Suffolk and Norfolk at the annual…
The Life And Ministry Of J. Parnell
Dear Mr. Banks,—In answer to your kind request, let me say, I do not intend writing much about myself at present, as, if the Lord will, a much fuller account will be published in one of my future volumes, both as to my call by grace and also with respect to my call to the ministry. I was born on…
The Life And Ministry Of Gideon Gore
Mr. Gideon Gore was born of godly parents in the neat little market town of Melksham, Wilts, situate about midway between Trowbrdige and Devizes. From a letter by his beloved sister Miss Gore, we learn that a work of grace was commenced in his soul when a youth, and was baptized by the late Mr. Pocock, in the month of…