I Am Thine, Save Me!
“I am Thine, save me; for I have sought Thy people.”—Psalm 119:94 Many a child of God present may feel that, if he possessed the world, and parting with it would bring into his soul the assurance of his being the Lord's, he would gladly part with it. Oh, what an infinite mercy we see and feel it to be,…
The Life And Ministry Of William Nunn
Among the faithful men in the Church of England who have not shunned to declare the distinguishing doctrines of sovereign grace may well be mentioned the late Mr. William Nunn. He was one of that remarkable trio with which the town of Manchester was favoured in the early part of the present century viz., William Gadsby, William Nunn, and William…
Book 3: Chapter 12, Necessity Of Contemplating The Judgment-Seat Of God, In Order To Be Seriously Convinced Of The Doctrine of Gratuitous Justification
Although the perfect truth of the above doctrine is proved by clear passages of Scripture, yet we cannot clearly see how necessary it is, before we bring distinctly into view the foundations on which the whole discussion ought to rest. First, then, let us remember that the righteousness which we are considering is not that of a human, but of…
Victory At Ai
Christ Our Hiding Place
Once again we are bound to confess the majesty and beauty of Isaiah’s vision of the Messiah and the spiritual clarity with which he discerned Christ’s coming and His gospel kingdom. We remember that these prophecies were intended both as a warning of coming judgment and a promise of grace and salvation. Isaiah rebuked Judah and Israel for their wickedness…
The Mystery Of Providence