• Silas Hickmott

    The Life And Ministry Of Silas Hickmott

    His illness was inflammation of the lungs, of only five days' duration. "They that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" was truly fulfilled in him. He possessed that religion which testified he had been with Jesus. His heart was made upright in the things of God, and added learning to his lips. He neither courted the smiles…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Of Some Have Compassion

    The remainder of the apostle’s letter is positive and encouraging. It is full of help and comfort for the Lord’s people. Jude offers spiritual direction for our wellbeing. Previously, in verse 17, Jude used the title ‘beloved’ to register God’s loving commitment to His church and here, again, he employs it as a reminder of God’s continuing love and faithfulness.…

  • A. E. Realff,  William Styles

    A Brother Beloved (William Styles)

    After reading the excellent article of Mr. Flegg in the July issue, and then the "Personal Appreciation" of Mr. Bull in that for August, I feel strongly constrained to add a few words more of appreciative testimony, having had the privilege of personal acquaintance with Mr. Styles for some twenty-five years or more. The text at the head of these…

  • William Styles

    A Personal Appreciation Of William Styles

    Another pen more able than ours has written one Appreciation of our late beloved friend and brother, Mr. W. Jeyes Styles, on behalf of the denomination to which he was attached and adorned. I cannot, however, refrain from adding a few lines of personal testimony respecting the kindness I received at the hands of one who many times befriended me,…

  • William Styles

    The Life And Death Of William Styles

    Yet another honored minister of our denomination and former editor of this Magazine has been called to rest. Our friend and brother, Mr. Styles, departed to be for ever with the Lord on Wednesday evening, May 6th. He had been laid aside from active service for several years in a condition of increasing weakness, and for many weeks had been…

  • James Flegg,  William Styles

    The Life And Ministry Of William Styles

    On a Sunday afternoon in April, a little more than thirty years ago, the Sunday-school at Keppel Street joined the school at Soho in the celebration of their anniversary. An interesting address was given on that occasion by the pastor of Keppel Street Church from Eccl. 12:1-8, which was illustrated by means of a lad whom the speaker had with…