• Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    The Lord Will Visit Tyre

    We remember that the purpose of Isaiah’s prophecy was to comfort the Lord’s people and encourage them during difficult times when God seemed far away and the power and prosperity of their enemies seemed unassailable. The prophecy was designed to remind the Lord’s faithful remnant that despite appearances God is still on His throne and the promise of a coming…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    2 Hyper Calvinist Quotes

    Below are twenty-five more statements made by Hyper Calvinists: J. Bloomfield: “It affords me no small gratification to meet with so many kind brethren in the ministry, as surround me this evening. I pray that they may be preserved in this dark and cloudy day of error and superstition, when Fullerism and Baxterianism are rapidly extending their baneful influence. I…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues


    The following statement was written for a social media post: Hyper-Calvinism is to sovereign grace, what a razor-sharp edge is to a blade; those who nurture lower views of grace wield a blunted gospel. 

  • James West

    The Life And Ministry Of James John West

    John E. Hazelton, Hold Fast: James J. West, M.A., Rector of Winchelsea, was a bold and faithful servant of God. For years he preached a monthly sermon on Tuesday evenings at St. Barnabas Church, King's Square, Goswell Road, where many a poor sinner was met with by the God of all grace and the Lord's family were built up in…

  • Charles Hemington

    A Defense Of Hyper-Calvinism

    It may be asked, what can have provoked the spirit of Mr. Aikman to level his shafts of vituperative slander against such servants of God as the late Mr. Philpot, Dr. Hawker, and not less against the late Messrs. Huntington, Gadsby, Vinall, and Warburton, though these last three, merely to suit his own purpose, are not mentioned by name in…