• William Rushton

    The Believer’s Golden Chain

    By the Hand, in this plate, is represented the eternal purposes, sovereign grace, and almighty power of God, exemplified in the salvation of sinners. 1 Chron. 29:12, "Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength…

  • William Rushton

    A Defense Of Particular Redemption

    I think it right to inform the reader that, some time ago, I was accidentally engaged in a verbal controversy on the nature and extent of the atonement of Christ, with a Baptist minister of some celebrity, residing in Northamptonshire. At parting he earnestly entreated me to read Mr. Fuller’s "Dialogues, Letters, and Essays," which I promised to do. No…

  • William Rushton

    The Life And Death Of William Rushton

    Mr. William Rushton, Jun. died February 6, 1838, triumphing in the glorious gospel of the blessed God. Mr. Rushton, of Liverpool, was author of ''Letters on Particular Redemption, addressed to a Baptist Minister."  For many years he conducted the evening service of Lime Street Chapel, Liverpool, the church under the pastoral care of the Rev. James Lister; and his labors…

  • John Brine Sermons

    Eternal Justification

    The doctrine of Eternal Justification has been lately objected to by Mr. Bragge, in some sermons of his on that subject, published with some other sermons preached at Limestreet, by several ministers; wherein they propose, according to the general title, to state and defend the great doctrines of the gospel, and to answer such objections as are usually advanced against…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Gathered One By One

    Undoubtedly there are historical elements to these symbol-filled prophecies such as the return of Jewish captives from exile and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. However, for us, Isaiah is continuing to extol the blessings of the gospel day in which we live. He speaks both of the judgment of Christ’s enemies and the blessing of the church which is pictured here…