The Life And Testimony Of Catherine Overton
Catherine Overton was born at Bedworth, in the county of Warwick. Her father was Mr. Valentine Overton, Rector of Bedworth. It pleased God betimes to plant the seeds of grace in her heart, which first discovered themselves when she was about fifteen years old, at which time God discovered to her the corruption of her nature, by which a deep…
The Life And Martyrdom Of William Tyndale
There is no history in the world so replete with heroes and heroic actions as the history of England. Our national records, present one continuous portrait gallery, hung with the most brilliant galaxy of noble and patriotic characters. These heroes may be divided into two classes—the world's heroes, and God's heroes. In the former class, we include those who have…
3 God Is A Spirit Being
John 4:24.—“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” The words are part of the dialogue between our Saviour and the Samaritan woman. Christ, intending to return from Judea to Galilee, passed through the country of Samaria, a place inhabited not by Jews, but a mixed company o£ several nations, and…
Book 3: Chapter 9, Of Meditating On The Future Life
Whatever be the kind of tribulation with which we are afflicted, we should always consider the end of it to be, that we may be trained to despise the present, and thereby stimulated to aspire to the future life. For since God well knows how strongly we are inclined by nature to a slavish love of this world, in order…
Marching Around Jericho
When A Hungry Man Dreams
Ariel is a symbolic name for Jerusalem and is drawn from a word meaning ‘lion of God’, either for strength or victory. Sometimes Ariel is applied more specifically to the altar in the temple at Jerusalem. Then the inference is that the nation’s strength flowed from the true worship of God because divine acceptance is received through blood sacrifice. These…