The Called
The Life And Ministry Of Edward Casey
A Brief Sketch Of The Late Mr. Edward Casey, Of Chestnut, For 25 Years Minister Of The Gospel, Who Entered Into Rest Nov. 11th, 1897, Aged 57 Years. The riches of sovereign grace were sweetly displayed in his conversion, his call to the ministry, and his subsequent labours. He had a deep and experimental acquaintance with both sides of religion;…
The Life And Influence Of Joseph Philpot
We do not need anything to remind us that it is a twelvemonth since our late friend and editor departed this life. The fact is brought most painfully to our mind every month, and almost every day of the month; certainly for twenty days in the month. But in turning over a hill of papers, we were reminded more strongly…
The Called
Verse 28 teaches the church of Jesus Christ about effectual calling. Here Paul identifies a people whom He designates, ‘the called’. It is not the first time Paul has employed this title to describe the believers in Rome. In 1:6 he tells them their faith confirms them ‘among the called of Jesus Christ’. The called are saved men and women;…
Another Comforter
He would be a traitor and a rebel who should dare set up his standard in England, and demand allegiance from the king’s subjects, and require obedience to his commands, who had no right to the crown. So Jesus, if he is not King of kings and Lord of lords, the King of saints, the living and true God; but…
The Origins Of The Particular And The Reformed Baptists
This question was recently put to me by a friend: ”Jared are you on the same side with Sam Renihan and his father on the issue of origins of Particular Baptists and Reformed Baptists?” My answer (with a few additions for the sake of clarity): No, we certainly would not be in agreement with the Reformed Baptists’ view on these…