Pastoral Counsel
My Dear People, to whom it has pleased the Lord to lead me to preach the Word of life, you have a very large place in my affections, and often are my thoughts wafted across sea and land to you collectively and individually, and, what is of far more importance, my desires for your souls' welfare are often wafted to…
The Life And Ministry Of Septimus Sears
The life of every gracious man has in it something worthy of record; for, while all are brought to know the Lord (Jer. 31:34), and so possess "eternal life" (John 17:3), the time it may take and the means used to that end greatly vary. Some are called, like Josiah, very early to seek the Lord God of their father;…
History Of The Old School Or Primitive Baptists: Part 1
The Sword Of The LORD
3 The Origin of Eldership
In our previous studies, I have set out my understanding of the term elder—that it is an unofficial title of honor given to men and women, who by virtue of their age and experience, are sought after for their wisdom and influence by the younger members of society. That this is the basic meaning of the Hebrew and Greek terms,…
Study 13: An Overview Of God-Justification
To be clear, the doctrine of God-Justification is designed only for those chosen by the Father and given to the Son, called the elect, or the vessels of honor. Absolutely no promise or provision has been made by God for the justification of the non-elect. Furthermore, the doctrine of God-Justification belongs to the work of the Father and the Son…