• John Newton

    John Newton’s Study

    The accompanying illustration represents John Newton's study in Olney Vicarage, which is now much as it was more than a century ago, when he resided there for sixteen years, from I764. The Vicarage was rebuilt and enlarged for him by Lord Dartmouth, and he entered upon this new abode in October, 1767. His reflections upon the occasion are as follow:—…

  • John Bradford

    The Life And Martyrdom Of John Bradford

    “By the grace of God I am what I am." These words were penned by one who had fully learned their meaning. This was no mere theoretical statement on the part of the Apostle, but a free and frank confession, based upon a deep and tried experience, that he was a debtor to the free and sovereign grace of God.…

  • Henry Fowler

    The Burning And Shining Lamp

    “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”—Psalm 119:105 The use of the lamp is chiefly in the night-season, to assist us to see what we are about, or to find what we may have lost; to discover to us any person or thing that may be in our way, or that might injure…

  • Selina Hastings

    The Life And Testimony Of Selina Hastings

    The  names of Whitefield, the Wesleys, Romaine, Toplady, and others, carry our minds back to an eventful period—to a time when, amidst the coldness and apathy which seemed to have settled over the land, God raised up men whose preaching, like a flame of fire, warmed many hearts, and, in spite of opposition and enmity, left a light which no…