• William Borows

    The Life And Death Of William Borrows

    Our obituary of Wednesday last (April 7) contained a notice of the decease of this faithful minister of Christ, who long and successfully laboured in the neighbourhood of London. The Rev. William Borrows was a native of Derby, and studied at St.Edmund Hall, Oxford, under the present Bishop of Calcutta, who also gave him his first introduction to the metropolis,…

  • Samuel Pierce

    The Life And Legacy Of Samuel Pierce

    Samuel Eyles Pierce was the son of Adam and Susannah Pierce, and was born at Up-Ottery, in the county of Devon, June 11th, 1746. Up-Ottery is about five miles from Honiton, and at that time the Vicar of the parish was the Rev. Joseph Chilcott, Samuel's maternal grandfather. He was born in the Vicarage-house. His mother was a godly woman,…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    Covenant Theology And The Particular Baptists

    The Reformed Baptist denomination, a section of which has amped up its claims to be the modern day representatives of the English Particular Baptists (PB's), subscribe to a seventeenth century covenantal framework reflective of the Westminster Confession and that of Presbyterianism. In their view, (1) the covenant of redemption is relegated to the backdrop of an ‘eternity past’ with (2)…

  • Richard Hale

    The Solitary Church

    It is worthy of remark that though God, as he went on in his work of creation for five days, and had pronounced each day's work good, yet it was not till the sixth day, after he had made man, the master-piece of his creation, that he said it was very good. "And God saw everything that he had made,…