• Isaac Lewis

    The Life And Ministry Of Isaac Lewis

    Mr. Lewis was born at Burnham, in Essex, on August 13th, 1823, of gracious parents, his mother dying when he was eight years old. In his young days his life was several times preserved in times of danger, but he grew up, as he said, “’like a wild ass's colt,' hardened to everything that was good, and greedily running after…

  • Anne Askew

    The Life And Martyrdom Of Anne Askew

    Drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus," is one of the features of the woman, described in the Apocalypse, upon whose forehead was this name written, "Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth." The Popes of Rome, in virtue of their assumed right to govern…

  • A. E. Realff

    The Gracious Invitations Of Our Lord

    “Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.”—Isaiah 55:3 In this chapter we have set forth God's call to Gentile nations, as is evident from the fifth verse. In opening our text, may the Lord grant us His manifest presence…

  • John Warburton Jr.

    The Life And Death Of John Warburton Jr.

    The lamented death of our dear friend, John Warburton, will lead our readers to feel an especial interest in the portrait and sketch which we give in this number. The father of our friend thus writes concerning the subject of this memoir, in his "Mercies of a Covenant God”:— "I shall now relate another sore trial that I passed through,…

  • John Warburton

    The Life And Testimony Of John Warburton

    John Warburton (1776-1857) was a link between two generations, for in the early years of his ministry he was encouraged by William Huntington and afterwards became the friend of Joseph Charles Philpot, whom he baptized at Allington in 1835. Of him Mr. Philpot says: "I have heard Mr. Gadsby preach as great, perhaps greater sermons, but I never met with…

  • Mrs. John Grace

    The Life And Testimony Of Mrs. John Grace

    Almost with the ushering in of the new year the work of death was renewed among our friends, and one known, by report at least, to many of our readers, and much loved by a wide circle of godly friends, was called to her eternal home and rest, after some years of affliction and suffering. We refer to the widow…