• A. E. Realff

    Grace, Sovereign, Free, Omnipotent

    Among the many thousands who attended the preaching of the immortal Whitefield, there were some who came to scoff, or to get material wherewith afterwards to amuse their companions. We are informed that, on one occasion, four young men met together, and laid a wager, to be given to him who should best mimic the great preacher. One of these…

  • Charles Hemington

    Charles Hemington: The Silver Wedding Of His Pastorate

    Mr. Hemington has recently completed the twenty-fifth year of his pastorate at Devizes, and this, added to fifteen years as pastor of Corpus Christi Chapel, at Plymouth, and previous labours in various counties, makes a long ministerial life, which, through the Lord's blessing, has been very useful amongst the Churches. He was baptized when a young man, and united to…

  • Frederick Silver

    The Life And Ministry Of Frederick Silver

    “Hold Fast”, John E. Hazelton: ”Frederick Silver (1781-1864) was trained for the bar, but God called him to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ, and he became pastor of Bethlehem Chapel, Richmond, and afterwards of Jewry Street Chapel, Aldgate, where a week-night sermon was for many years delivered by the leading Huntingtonian ministers of the day. He was a "son…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    You Are Mine

    There is a sense in which everything belongs to the Lord as Maker and Creator. ‘All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.’ Yet there is a distinct and separate ownership expressed in today’s passage of certain men and women formed as a new creation and redeemed by precious blood. ‘You’,…