The History Of Fullerism
The question on whether it be the duty of unregenerate sinners to believe on Christ to the saving of their souls] has been irrefutably, because scripturally, answered again and again, by most able writers in their day and generation. I have a treatise on the subject, written 123 years ago (1738), by Mr. Wayman, of Kimbolton, in reply to a…
The Life And Ministry Of John Jones
John Andrews Jones (1779–1868), baptist minister and author, born on 10 Oct. 1779 at Bristol, was the son of a manufacturing tobacconist. He was educated in Colston's Charity School, Bristol (3 Sept. 1789–31 Dec. 1794), and was apprenticed to a Bristol merchant, but from 1801 to 1813 was employed as a bookbinder at Guildford, Surrey. In early life he was,…
Book 3: Chapter 19, Of Christian Liberty
We are now to treat of Christian Liberty, the explanation of which certainly ought not to be omitted by any one proposing to give a compendious summary of Gospel doctrine. For it is a matter of primary necessity, one without the knowledge of which the conscience can scarcely attempt any thing without hesitation, in many must demur and fluctuate, and…
We Trust In The LORD
The Origin Of The Reformed Baptist Movement In America
How often do we hear the Reformed Baptists (RB) lay claim to the historic legacy of the Particular Baptists (PB), as if the two groups are one and the same? The English RB's lay claim to this heritage based on their requisition of historic PB chapels and the imposition of 'reforms' they have made to the churches. The American RB's…
The Believer’s Use Of The Doctrine Of God’s Sovereignty
“And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up, and thrust Him out of the city, and led Him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast Him down headlong."—Luke 4:28, 29. Now of whom can these words be possibly spoken? Who was thus…