• Jared Smith On Various Issues

    Covenant Theology And The Particular Baptists

    The Reformed Baptist denomination, a section of which has amped up its claims to be the modern day representatives of the English Particular Baptists (PB's), subscribe to a seventeenth century covenantal framework reflective of the Westminster Confession and that of Presbyterianism. In their view, (1) the covenant of redemption is relegated to the backdrop of an ‘eternity past’ with (2)…

  • Richard Hale

    The Solitary Church

    It is worthy of remark that though God, as he went on in his work of creation for five days, and had pronounced each day's work good, yet it was not till the sixth day, after he had made man, the master-piece of his creation, that he said it was very good. "And God saw everything that he had made,…

  • Thomas Cranmer

    The Life And Martyrdom Of Thomas Cranmer

    The archiepiscopal see of Canterbury can boast of a long list of names, representing some of the most eminent divines and scholars our country has produced; yet few of its illustrious occupants have so worthily and so honourably discharged their important functions as Thomas Cranmer did in the days of Henry VIII and Edward VI. Holding that responsible post at…

  • Hugh Latimer

    The Life And Martyrdom Of Hugh Latimer

    Leicestershire has reason to be proud of its connection with the history of our country's Reformation. Two of the most prominent leaders of this movement—Hugh Latimer and John Wycliffe—spent a portion of their valuable lives in this county; the former his childhood, and the latter his closing years. In the small, quiet town of Lutterworth did Wycliffe industriously labour as…

  • George Abrahams

    The Great High Priest

    The word of God, namely the Bible, which is given by the inspiration of God, is like a beautiful and grand cabinet, full of all manner of precious things. The people of the earth, or the world, would be highly delighted with such a cabinet; so especially would they be delighted could they choose from it, or rather, could some…