• George Whitefield

    The Life And Ministry Of George Whitefield

    George Whitefield was born in the Bell Inn, Gloucester, on December 16th, 1714. His father, Thomas Whitefield, was at first a wine merchant in Bristol, but afterwards became an inn-keeper; his mother was Elizabeth Edwards, of Bristol. The surroundings of the boy were not calculated to make him religious, yet in his mother's heart there was a thoughtful love which…

  • George Whitefield

    The Life And Testimony Of George Whitefield

    George Whitefield (1714-1770) comes first as the preacher of his day. At Pembroke College, Oxford, he was already under serious impressions when he joined the little society of students who met to study the Scriptures, to converse, and to pray. Their favourite books were "The Imitation of Christ," and Law's "Serious Call." These only led him into mental confusion, till…

  • Roland Taylor

    The Life And Martyrdom Of Roland Taylor

    The trial and martyrdom of Rowland Taylor, as narrated by John Foxe in his "Acts and Monuments," is considered by some to be the finest portion of that valuable and wonderful work. To us this opinion does not seem extravagant, for, among the many sublime instances of Christian heroism recorded by the indefatigable martyrologist, it would be difficult to find…

  • Anne Steele

    The Life And Testimony Of Anne Steele

    Miss Steele was the descendant of a family who had inhabited for many years the village of Broughton, Hampshire, her father and ancestors being pastors of the Calvinistic Baptist congregation in that town, the foundation of which dates back to the time of the Commonwealth. One, Mr. Henry Steele, was ordained to the pastoral office in the year 1699, which…