A Just God And A Saviour
29 Bible Doctrine – The Two Branches Of Hyper-Calvinism And The Weeds Of Modified-Calvinism
I would like to welcome you back to another study in the Word of God. I am returning to our little series on Bible Doctrine, and would like to speak on the subject of Hyper-Calvinism. I wish to begin with some basic definitions. Calvinism, as we know it by this name, emerged during the 16th century with a French theologian…
Weeping Endures For A Night, But Joy Cometh In The Morning
Some of the Lord's children are continually proving the truth of that word, more or less, "The end of a matter is better than the beginning." And why is it so? Because we do not always apprehend at the first the good hand and favour of the Lord in it; therefore the beginning of a matter, at times, so seriously…
The Life And Ministry Of Richard Conyers
The name that heads this short article is worthy of a place amongst our former Christian leaders, from his intimate acquaintance with such men as Berridge, Newton, Thornton, Romaine, and others. He was born at Helmsley, in Yorkshire, on February 13th, 1725. He was early deprived of both parents, and was brought up by his aged grandmother. He was first…
Judge Gideon’s Victory
A Just God And A Saviour
Cyrus was spoken of briefly at the end of the previous chapter. Now he is addressed directly by God in a prophecy recorded several hundred years before his birth. Cyrus will be anointed by God to serve His cause and fulfil His will for the benefit of God’s remnant people among the Jews and His elect among the Gentiles of…