The Life And Ministry Of William Brown
Mr. William Brown, Pastor of the Strict Baptist Church at Friston, Suffolk, is well known and highly respected as a faithful brother in Christ by friends accustomed to visit the annual Meetings of the Suffolk and Norfolk Strict Baptist Association. We should suppose that he has attended more Association anniversaries than any other living person, as he is its oldest…
Preface To William Button’s Rebuttal Of Andrew Fuller’s “The Gospel Of Christ Worthy Of All Acceptation”
Mr. Thomas Goodwin, in his address to the reader, annexed to his discourse on the true nature of the gospel, observes, “It concerns every minister of the gospel to put a stop to any opinion which hath the least tendency to Arminianism. We are not as idle spectators, to stand by with patience to see the truths of the gospel…
William Button: The Other Successor Of John Gill
The meeting-house in this street, which is on the south side of Tooley Street, was erected in the year 1774, for the people who separated from the church, which had been lately under the care of Dr. Gill, upon the choice of Dr. Rippon to succeed that eminent minister. They met for a short time in the meeting house in…
I Will Take Vengeance
31 Bible Doctrine – The Emergence Of 18th Century Hyper-Calvinism
I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Doctrine. Having looked at the emergence of 17th century Hyper-Calvinism, I now turn to that of the 18th century. By way of review, we left off in the previous study with the emergence of 17th century Hyper-Calvinism, culminating in the doctrinal statements of the 1646, the 1658 and…
Coming To Jesus
I had a divine ray from the blessed Spirit dawn upon my soul in the past week, and I saw as clear as a sunbeam that there is no salvation except we are born again. Without eternal life, where is any sorrow for sin? Where is any love for the Saviour? Where is self-loathing or self-abhorrence before God? And where…